Fire And Smoke Damage - Glendale Personal Injury Lawyer | Wrongful Death Attorney

(818) 243-3900

Fire And Smoke Damage

Fire and Smoke Damage Claims

Homes and business premises can be directly or indirectly damaged by fire. For example, local wildfires can cause havoc on homes by the amount of deposited ash and debris in surrounding areas. These particles contain various chemicals which not only stain the exteriors but also penetrate inside dwellings and should be properly removed to preserve the value of property and the health of individuals.

At Pogosyan Law, we have years of experience in handling claims for damages caused by fire, smoke and ash. With our skills and experience, we make sure that insurance carriers don’t find frivolous reasons to deny these claims and that each homeowner receives full and fair compensation for damages and costs related to any such losses. Our representation of homeowners who have suffered from local wildfires is on a contingency fee bases, which means, that we will only be paid a portion of the settlement recovered from the insurance carriers – if there is no recovery, we do not charge any fees.

We encourage any home or business owner who’s dwelling or property has been affected by local wildfires to contact our office immediately and take the following steps to preserve a valid claim:

  • Stay away from and avoid contact with any settled ash or debris;
  • Take photographs and video of the premises;
  • Do not tamper with or clean any ash or debris until the insurance inspects it;
  • Let your experienced attorney directly communicate with your insurance company.
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