What to Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident? Essential Steps to Follow

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Everything You Need to Know About What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident

Everything You Need to Know About What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident

Road accidents are extremely common in the United States, with millions of cases reported every year. What’s even more alarming, however, is the percentage of these that are hit-and-runs. In 2022, Pew research found that in 14.5% of all crashes, a driver fled the scene, especially in cases involving fatalities and property damage.

In these situations, staying calm and figuring out an appropriate course of action is the best possible step. This article will outline what to do if you are a victim of a hit and run accident, the laws governing such accidents in California, and why you need to contact a lawyer immediately.

What to Do After a Hit and Run: First Steps

Any time you meet with an accident and the driver flees, there is a checklist you should follow to cover all bases. Here’s what to do in case of a hit and run:

  •     Call 911 or emergency services immediately — even if the accident only caused minor injuries.
  •     Collect as much information as you can about the offender, including license plates, the car’s make and model, and the direction in which it was headed.
  •     Identify the sequence of events that led to the accident.
  •     Gather evidence to support your version of events, including photographs of the accident site and witness testimonies that corroborate your story.
  •     Call the insurance company. The sooner you make a hit and run insurance claim, the more likely it is to be approved.
  •     Contact an attorney to ensure that you are appropriately compensated in case of any injury or damage to your car. It’s also vital to contact a lawyer if you aren’t present at the scene — as they help you file a hit and run insurance claim.
First Steps to Take After a Hit-and-Run Accident

What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident in California?

Under the California Vehicle Code § 20002, a hit and run is considered a misdemeanor and carries either a maximum penalty of six months in county jail or a fine of $1,000, or both.

However, in the case of serious injury, fatalities, or property damage, the penalty is upgraded to a felony, and the punishment is more severe. In this case, the offender can be imprisoned for up to four years and be made to pay a fine of $10,000.

In both cases, the driver’s license may be revoked.
Considering the severity of the situation, the best advisor for what to do in a hit and run case is a dedicated attorney. This professional will help you navigate the complexities of California’s hit and run laws and help you take appropriate action.

For instance, a lawyer can help you build a case by collecting witness statements or accessing CCTV footage. They could also provide any litigation support in case your case goes to court. A personal injury attorney in Glendale, CA, meanwhile, can help you ensure that your hospital bills are covered under your hit and run insurance claim.

How Hit and Run Insurance Claims Work

Once the dust has settled and immediate steps are out of the way, reach out to your insurance company. In California, you have 10 days to report the incident to your insurance provider and the DMV. This is just a notification and not an official hit and run insurance claim, so the process should go smoothly.

However, here’s where it gets tricky. Not all insurance covers hit and run cases. Some, like liability insurance, only cover damages that you’ve caused; others, like personal injury protection, are not available in the state of California.

Since there is no dedicated insurance for such incidents in California, it is hard to figure out what to do in case of a hit and run. However, if you are covered under any of the following categories, you are eligible to file an insurance claim.

How Hit and Run Insurance Claims Work
  •     Collision Insurance: This coverage compensates you for any damage to your car, regardless of who is at fault. It doesn’t cover medical expenses, however.
  •     Uninsured motorist coverage: This policy covers medical expenses as well as damage to your car. However, it isn’t mandatory in California and only works in some situations. Be sure to review your policy carefully before filing this hit and run insurance claim.
  •     MedPay coverage: As its name suggests, this policy only covers medical expenses, including hospitalization bills or the cost of medicines. It doesn’t compensate for property or car damage repairs.


As you’d imagine, in many cases, the insurance company may try to minimize your payout or say you have insufficient evidence to prove your claim. In this case, a lawyer will provide the necessary information to the provider and help you file your hit and run insurance claim accurately.

  •     It helps you document all your injuries, which is essential when filing a claim.
  •     It provides proof that the incident put you in serious danger and supports your claim for additional monetary compensation.
  •     It helps you identify any long-term injuries at an early stage — which you must report to your insurance company to protect future claims.

Given how complex the entire process of what happens after a hit and run is, having an attorney to argue your case early on can be invaluable.

To improve your own chances, it’s also crucial that you seek medical attention promptly. This can help on three fronts:

Hit and Run Insurance Claims

What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident? Call Pogosyan Law 

Being involved in a hit and run incident is always terrifying for the victim — but getting justice after doesn’t have to be.
By following these steps outlined on what to do when involved in a hit and run, you ensure all bases are covered and that you are financially compensated appropriately.

If you’re unable to collect any information or have trouble with your insurance provider, Pogosyan Law is here to help. As a leading law firm in Glendale since 1999, we’ve helped hundreds of victims file hit and run insurance claims and receive monetary compensation following accidents in which the driver fled the scene.

Schedule a free consultation with our lawyers to learn how we can help you.

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